Doctress Moe Nicole

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Are you her?

We all know a woman who is able to admit her wrongs.  We all know a woman who is able to create a masterpiece from the miseries of her life’s song.  She stands tall when others push her to fall.  She know’s when you’re not a real friend, but she is there when you call.

She knows that hitting a brick wall gets you nowhere near satisfied.  She understands the esoteric being of her obstacles and that’s what makes her certified.  She walked around with a smile, because a frown takes too much work, she holds onto the positives she still inhabit… it's there to pick her up while in the clutch.

She keeps her personal feelings to herself and away from the table, she knows that business comes first, and that crying over spilled milk only disables.  She throws out the crutches as her heart can walk alone, she knows when someone is not true, as their actions feel false.  She releases when she is ready to trust you with the withering layers.

She sheds some tears at night, because she is a living creature.  She walks out the house in the morning, with her natural beauty being the main feature.  Insecurities reside no more, as they did nothing but hold her back.  She had to constructively criticize herself in order to truly get her life intact.  They still come back sometimes though... Like when she is faced with defeat or rejection.  She sees a mirror then change perspective.

She is one of our neighbors, she may be you, she is me, and she is some of our young girls.  Although she chooses when to speak aloud she constantly converses internally.  Replaying the words and thoughts that oftentimes occur rapidly. As she enters her personal truth, she’s living out loud. As she accepts she is not perfect, she continues to grow through pains with a smile.  

Question,  Are we being honest with our young girls on embracing their emotional journey and critical thinking?