Some days I want to give up...
I wouldn’t be me, if I wasn’t honest with the process I have had to go through as an entrepreneur. Especially, after taking the leap of faith to take on entrepreneurship full-time. So many people thought I was crazy to do such a drastic thing, but I knew in my heart it was the best thing for me to do.
But I wasn’t fully prepared for everything the journey would entail.
Full-time entrepreneurship is not like part-time. Don’t get me wrong, there are some similarities, but it’s a different vibe when you have to work, network, and market to get your name out there like your life depends on it…. because truth is, your life does depend on it.
You don’t have a job to lean on for a consistent paycheck. You don’t have employer covered health insurance. You can’t just call in sick and take a paid leave day. Everyday, you have to get up and work.
My first problem with taking the leap of faith, was the unrealistic expectations that those closest to me would support me full swing. There were no shared posts, no congratulations, heck; most of those closest to me don’t even watch my YouTube videos.
One day, I wanted to give up.
I wanted to give up because I felt if those closest to me didn’t truly believe in me; how could anyone else?
But then the sun went down… and it came back up the next morning. That morning, the Universe reminded me of my vision and stated: Those who are for you and who are meant to walk with you, will show up without you having to ask.
From that day on, I have been leaning on that…. and my village has been arriving.
For those of you reading this, who may be going through a rough patch in your business, know that you are not alone. It is a journey and a process that everyone is not able to fully comprehend with the naked eye. When we take our expectations off those whom we expected to be cheering us on and put them on ourselves and our work; that is when everything becomes more clear and apparent.
Keep going.
Expand your reach.
Trust Yourself.
Know that you are right where you are supposed to be.
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