What is my role in change?
I have oftentimes found myself confused at how to merge my personal, professional, and passions into one. Especially, with the current political racial climate we are living in. What intrigues me the most with it all, is the fact that I know we have been living in this reality for some time… but so many others didn’t. Which then makes me wonder if I am a part of the problem for not sharing more of that side of me on my many platforms?
Now that I wrote that out, I can’t help but wonder what was the reason for me TO NOT share that side of me more? Was it because of the color of my skin?
I meeeeeeean, you can just look at me and tell I am a black person. If you are in America… YOU HAVE to know what it has been like growing up in this country…… but then I woke up
I woke up from the dreams and nightmares of silence and reading with a candle.
Truth is, I’m tired of marching and protesting. Don’t get me wrong, I believe they are very important to the movement of change… BUT…. I don’t think that is my place in the movement. We all have a different role… Yah know… who’s gonna watch the kids while people are on the frontline?
Maybe this is why I never really discuss super “pro-black” posts. Maybe I was afraid that if I isolated my network, I would then turn away those who didn’t know or understand me. To my surprise, I’ve come to learn that tactic wasn’t very helpful either.
Here I am.
Unapologetically Black…. as I always have been.
But to many, I guess it’s not real if it’s not on social media ***shrugs***