Doctress Moe Nicole

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Abuse, Narcissism, and Breaking away from the control


In middle school, one of my parents beat me so bad once that my entire face was swollen and both my eyes were black. My friend Drea called the police... BUT, since they were well known in the city, my parent knew the police officer that came... and the officer never came in the house to see me or talk to me. He just left after talking to my parent outside. My parent sent me to another city to stay with one of their female friends while I “healed” for a week. This was the same week Lisa Lopes (Left-eye) died. I still remember squinting at the tv, attempting to see through my swollen blackened face...

crying about her death and my internal dying heart.

When I returned to school, I had to go through being teased by classmates about them beating me the rest of that year. That began my journey of severe depression. I was 14. I started having sex, was suicidal, and trusted NO ONE but my grandmother. Being raised by a parent with narcissistic traits, and having an extensive history of dating men with those same traits, I became the perfect co-dependent. When they say women date people like their parents, that WAS the case with me...

until I broke the curse.

I internalized everything and thought there had to be something I could do, to not keep being treated that way. Or maybe, it WAS something wrong with me? When you go through emotional and/or mental trauma, you find yourself in low places. But, I want to let you know... I stand as a testimony, that you can AND WILL get through it!

It took hella therapy, but I made it 🦋

They may talk about you and call you crazy to other people, when you finally stand up to them... but you will feel SO MUCH BETTER! You take YOUR power back and redistribute it to the things that really make your heart smile.

To the person who needed this message...Beloved, the grass is greener on the other side; never be afraid to walk away... no matter who the person is or what they brought to the table. NOTHING is worth your sanity and mental health. 🦋