11 Signs You've FULLY Activated your Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine is the balance between emotion, intuition, and creation. We all have feminine energy inside of us, while some of us are ruled by Feminine Energy; calling for us to become Divine Feminines in a world that needs more feminine energy.
When you are walking purely in your Divine Feminine, you find that life begins to flow easier. Even your monthly period gets better (For my feminines who menstruate)! You find that things begin happening for you and your manifestations become easier to obtain through purpose driven work. In a world ruled by the masculine, it can be easy to take on energies that are not conducive for you. It’s time we change that.
Below, is a list of 11 ways to tell if you have fully activated your Divine Feminine. Feel free to check out my YouTube video that goes deeper into each of these mentioned!
Comfortable with your sexuality
Internal Peace
Attract more with less
People feel better around you
Connected to higher power
Connect to all emotions
Create Life
Increased Intuition
Respect your Body
Do any of these resonate with you?