From Passion to Purpose

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Divine Soul Weekly Journal Prompts: Divine Femininity, the duality


Day 113: What does the term "dark divine feminine" mean to you? Start by defining this concept in your own words. What thoughts or images come to mind when you hear or read these words?

Day 114: Think about times in your life when you have felt a strong connection to your divine feminine energy. This could be a moment of nurturing, intuition, or deep empathy. How did it make you feel? How did you express this energy in your life?

Day 115: The "dark" aspect often refers to the shadow side of our personality. What are the qualities or traits within yourself that you might consider part of your dark divine feminine? This could include qualities like anger, jealousy, or fear. Be honest and non-judgmental in your exploration.

Day 116: Look at back what you wrote for yesterday. How do these qualities (the ones you wrote yesterday) serve a purpose in your life? Do they protect you in some way, help you navigate challenges, or offer unique perspectives? Try to understand the positive side of these traits.

Day 117: Reflect on how you currently integrate or suppress your dark divine feminine energy. Are there any areas of your life where you feel disconnected from it? How does this affect your overall well-being and sense of self?

Day 118: Remember to be gentle with yourself throughout this process. Exploring the dark divine feminine can bring up challenging emotions, but it's an important step in your personal development. How can you practice self-compassion as you navigate this journey?

Day 119: In what ways can you express and honor your dark divine feminine in your daily life? Set some intentions for how you can bring more awareness to this energy and use it for your personal growth and empowerment.