From Passion to Purpose

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Divine Soul Weekly Journal Prompts


Day 183: Take a look at your friendships and connections, what do you have in common that keeps the relationship going? How do you appreciate it?

Day 184: Analyzing your connections in your life, do you feel you can be completely yourself; vulnerably? If yes, how so? If no, what do you not share and why?

Day 185: Who are you as a friend? Do you feel you show up how you’d like? Explain.

Day 186: How have past failed relationships affected your ability to connect with new people?

Day 187: How do you grieve or process the ending of a friendship or relationship? In what ways do you feel it benefits you for connecting with new people, or hinder it?

Day 188: When was the last time you forgave yourself for a failed connection? Are there any that you are holding onto blame with? How can you release it?

Day 189: What type of relationships or connections are you currently manifesting into your life? What would it take to achieve it?