Doctress Moe Nicole

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BizScopes: Week of February 19th

Aries: Give and it will be given right back to you multiple times. It's something about your energy and the Pisces New Moon this week that is working out for your good. You are in a place in your life where you are beginning to believe in yourself again. There may have been a period of loss and feeling like you didn’t have all of the tools you needed to bring something to life, but this week is going to pay it back to you ten times. You will be getting visions and ideas regarding expansion, make sure to keep a notebook or the notes app in your phone handy because you want to make sure to document everything that comes to you. It is your higher spirit connected to the divine being.  Your prayers will feel like they are being answered this week for you, especially for those with Jupiter and North Node in Aries. You are protected, do not fret.

Pisces: Hey Pisces, this week you will be skipping lines, or so it will feel. This will feel like a week where everything is paying it forward to you. You may have been watching people around you be exalted and pushed forward. Although, you weren’t hating while you celebrated loved ones achieving goals…. There was still a voice in the back of your head asking what are you doing wrong. You haven’t been doing anything wrong and this week will be a reminder to you to keep going. This week, you may want to watch what business and work associates you have hanging around you. Make sure the people you are working with have good intentions and good work ethic because you do not want to get caught up in anyone else’s drama and allegations.

Taurus: This week, what is for you is for you Taurus, keep this reminder in your head. You may be faced with a few obstacles where you receive some no’s when you really wanted to hear “yes.” The universe and higher power wants you to know that whatever is not working for you right now is because it is in your best interest. You have an ancestor with business acumen watching over you from the other side and they are very over protective of you and your next steps in career. You may be thinking one way is best for you, but they have experience and want to keep you sheltered from mistakes that don’t have to be made. Make sure to consult your ancestral realm before making any money decisions… especially big purchases. Thursday is a key day for you this week.

Gemini: Everything is energy, even money Gemini. This week, you are being reminded that it takes money to make money and scared money don’t make money. When it comes to business and betting on yourself, you have to watch the energy you put into the world when you are planning the endeavor and acting it out. Your energy can affect your outcome, believe it or not. Now, that’s not to say that everything that didn’t work out was your fault (sometimes shit don’t need to happen)... but there are definitely times when we can be our worst enemy. What are you currently doing or holding on to that you need to release and let go of. Keeping something out of fear of not having enough could be what’s getting in the way of you truly attracting financial abundance. It’s time to elevate both your mind and your energy FULLY!.

Cancer: Cancer, this week always remember that you get what you put in. The energy around you this week revolves around saving your money and making the most of it. For example, how can you diversify your savings? Can you put it in a CD instead of a savings account? Can you start investing long-term for a greater investment? Start looking at ways for your money to work for you. But also, watch your spending this week, especially on luxury or feel good things. It’s time to truly plan for the future. Your future self will be very grateful for you being so thoughtful now. Watching your spending is another form of self-care. Speaking of such, make sure you have a self-care regimen that includes your mental health as well.

Leo: Leo, you need to be proud of yourself this week! You have been so resilient, open, determined, humble, and growing in wisdom. This is a week of hyping yourself up. Don’t be afraid to advertise yourself and what you offer to others, you never know who is a potential customer. You may want to consider starting merchandise with your logo or a funny slogan that represents your personality and business. It’s time to show yourself completely and open up your revenue streams. If you don’t have the ability to buy merchandise up front, you can also utilize a drop shipping option.

Virgo: Virgo, you can expect this week. It is ok to expect the best for your life and what you are walking into. You know when something isn’t good for you and when you are supposed to be doing something. This is a week when you give yourself the permission to care for your full self. Sit back, meditate, think about life, plan out the future, consult your ancestors… use this time to expect and create your future. You are going through alot of changes right now, which can have both negative and positive feelings flowing through you. Whatever you do, remember that everything works out perfectly in the end. You can use this time to sit on the couch and plan out inventory… or research new equipment and training for your professional field. Hell, getting an assistant doesn’t sound too bad either Virgo. Whatever you do this week, have grace for yourself.

Libra: Heyyyy Libra, this week, you may be feeling silly. You may approach life from an open-minded perspective to where you make decisions that broaden not only your reach but your wallet as well. You find more people being attracted to you this week when you are your funny quirky self. There is nothing wrong with being serious… but just not all of the time. Make sure your funny boots scales don’t tip to one side more than the other. Alot of what has kept you in this space is because you have been watching other people and what they have done for success. It is important for you to remember that that’s what worked for them. What works for you will be your 100% authentic self. This week, if you find yourself getting triggered by capitalism, think about how different you will be when you get money. You don’t plan to get rich to have it all for yourself, you want to help other people and build. Your heart is in the right place and it takes time when you don’t take shortcuts.

Scorpio: This week, you will feel like you can do anything… because the truth is that you can. Scorpio, this week you may find yourself being the accountant, assistant, manager, packager, auditor, and everything else in between. Spirit wants you to know that it is important to know how to do all of the responsibilities of your business, so when you hire someone to take over, you know what to look for and be aware when someone isn’t doing their job well. You are going through a new level of transformation as this week, especially at the end of the week when the moon makes its way into the land of Taurus. It’s ok to be a jack of all trades this week; it won’t be for forever. When you do start looking to outsource, places like fiverr are great to start.

Sagittarius: This week is a good week for research and looking up your competitors and growth predictions for your business sector. The more you learn and research, the more intune you will feel with not only your business but where you can find your place. Sagittarius, your open mind will get you far during this process. Just know once you have your plan together you will be able to manifest it instantly! You are the strongest manifester of the zodiac, which means you can manifest both good and bad. It is important for you to watch what you allow into your spirit this week because you will be very open with the new moon energy in Pisces.

Capricorn: Capricorn, have you been asking for help more often now? If not, the universe is going to allow you to feel the effects of it this week and sit you down. If you have been delegating, the energy will be different. It is important more than ever for you to put yourself and your mental health first. Especially with the changing season, the more relaxed you are the more intuitive you will be this week. Things that have been confusing you will begin to make more sense. You are enough this week and don’t let anyone try to make you feel like what you ask for is too much, it just means they aren’t enough to fulfill it. You will have the skill of seeing other people’s insecurities and fears this week. Spirit wants you to use that to your advantage to help with the planning of your next steps. The key to a successful business is to provide help/support for a particular problem. Why not have you, with your good intentions and morals vs. the big corporations?

Aquarius: You are the bag Aquarius. This week you will be reminded that you are currency, you are energy, you are the most important product you will ever be responsible for. Make sure you are taking care of yourself this week. You are going to realize that there is a business avenue you haven’t been utilizing that will work for you amazingly. You are going to realize that alot of people like your energy and want to be closer to you. For a lot of you, there are people who are willing to pay, just to see exclusive content or conversations from you. Yes, believe it or not! Don’t sleep on yourself this week… It's time to brainstorm how you are going to rebrand yourself.