Bizscopes: Week of March 19th!

Aries: This will feel like a week you have been waiting for all year. Finally, you are preparing to show the world a new skill you have acquired. Do not allow yourself to be stifled by nervousness, you were made for times such as these. This week, you will be rewarded for the initiative you have taken over the last 365 days. Everything will seem to make so much more sense this week. It takes money to make money and you are the one for taking all of the right risks this week when it comes to financial investments and opportunities. You may find yourself guided heavily by angel numbers this week as well. All it takes is seeing one 11:11 on the clock as you’re paying for your gas, for you to decide to buy ticket number 11 because “it felt right.” Live out Loud this week, Aries, you will be appreciative of the outcomes in the long-term.

Taurus: Taurus, this is a week of connecting with your closest loved ones and allowing your heart to be refilled. You’ve been giving alot and it’s time for your love tank to be poured into, allow others to do that for you. A major key to you manifesting through your divine energy is through comfort. The more comfortable you are, The more open you are to be showered with abundance. You can manifest while laying in the bed in your pajamas and leg propped up. It’s all about energy Taurus, and you naturally want to be taken care of with minimal “work” as possible. But, you also like making money. It’s time to do some research on passive income streams this week.

Gemini: Success is not something that happens overnight and consistency doesn’t always signify potential success. Sometimes a pivot is needed in order for us to advance to another level. We can get so comfortable with doing something one way that we fail to notice when we have reached a plateau and stopped growing. This week, it’s time to start leveling up in action and mute the audio for a while. With mercury still conjunct neptune and saturn in pisces, while squaring your house, it’s not wise to do too much talking before actually doing and accomplishing. This pivot will prove to be very beneficial for you and your bottom line. Especially when it comes to travel. You will be finding yourself traveling much more often, REAL SOON!

Cancer: This week, allow yourself to remember the lessons you learned 1-2 years ago. This will be a week of nostalgia as you look at your financial portfolio, bank accounts, and other financial investments. You are ready to take it up a notch and this is the week where you get honest with yourself on where you stand financially. You will also be faced with a situation where you will notice that there is someone around you who isn’t pulling their weight financially or energetically, forcing you to give way more than you are able to at the moment. It’s ok to have an honest conversation with them on how you need them to show up. Lastly, no more freebies. It doesn’t matter who it is. How can you expect to grow if you keep giving everything away for free?

Leo: It is never too late to change directions if that is what you want. The reality is, you have the ability to succeed at whatever you put your mind and energy to. Who said you had to stay in one box? Many of you are in a place where you are ready to expand but may be nervous about going into a new territory. The good thing about life and your past experiences is the fact that they taught you that nothing is always easy to accomplish and that we always start as a novice. What you start this week, you will feel like a master of next year; don’t be afraid to start. Take notice of people who are doing things similar to the work you want for yourself. Learn how they started the process. What did they do to get over the fear and start over? You are going to master this new skill and be so happy that you didn’t allow yourself to be stopped by fear!

Virgo: Virgo, while you’re planning out your week and what needs to be accomplished, make sure you add in some time for yourself and self care. You may have been really focused lately on your work, the projects on your desk, getting new contracts, and making sure your bank accounts stay in a safe space for your mental health. But guess what? Doing all of that, is still not keeping a full balance between mind, spirit, and your physical (financial) self.  Balance comes in the form of all things in life and for you, it is important that you are able to maintain emotional and mental balance when it comes to the financial responsibilities of your life. Get a massage from groupon and plan your budget with a fun budget item line.

Libra: LIfe may be trying to make you feel like, if it’s not one thing; it’s another. But, before you find yourself going alone with the negative forces of the world around us, let me remind you that you are the neighbor to death (scorpio energy). Meaning… you are no stranger to endings before new beginnings. You have seen it and witnessed it time and time again. So, this week, make sure to tell life to “shut the fuck up!” when it tries to tell you that you aren’t going to get through a difficult moment in your life financially. Because you will and you are. As soon as you defeat those thoughts, you will find yourself walking through green pastures and the air will be smelling like flowers. This is already passing; there is no need to worry. Everything you have experienced has been preparing you for the big scenes. Hell, turn it all into a creative book and watch it blow up!

Scorpio: Scorpio, you will find yourself smiling more often than you usually do this week. For some of you, it's because you have learned the art of seduction. For others, it is because you are really feeling good and are excited about the good things coming into your space. No matter which one you relate to; there will still be a positive outcome at the end of the week. The more you get in connection with what makes people’s hearts tick, the better you will be able to connect with your audience. This week, the easier you let money leave your hand, the more you will find yourself manifesting. Be happy to be able to afford an expense versus upset that you have to pay it. This is the art of attraction for you this week.

Sagittarius: We are all novice at something and the old saying “beginner’s luck” is true indeed! Especially for you this week. Anything new you start, you will find yourself winning and doing amazing things with it. It’s your humility, openness, and willingness to see things from other perspectives that make this such a lucky week for you. It’s the more you keep a positive attitude, seek new opportunities, and allow yourself to slow down and listen; that keeps you in alignment with favor and the energy of the Aries new moon will be riding on your side with the trine energy. 

Capricorn: This is a good week for you financially, especially when it comes to finding deals or getting discounts on debts owed. You may find out about a new student loan forgiveness opportunity, or find a scholarship to pay for your remaining class credits. Whatever it is, you will allow yourself to receive from others versus always feeling like you have to show up for others. This is a week where you are favored and the universe’s energy wants to bless you, especially with you being an empty nester and sextile neptune and mercury’s energy inside of Pisces. This will also be a week where you may find yourself merging your spiritual and financial self together in one big bowl. It doesn’t sound like a bad idea when you look at it from the bigger picture.

Aquarius: This is a week about doing things how you want them and when you want to do them. You may have gone through some serious disappointments in the most recent weeks, and this week you don’t care to see or hear from them. You find yourself wanting to be in your own world while learning from past experiences. This is a week where you may find yourself wanting to become better than an older version of yourself. After going through a level of disappointment, you are promising yourself to stop overlooking disrespect and show up for yourself now and your responsibilities for the future. If it doesn’t mean well for you and yours, then you don’t want it at all and I don’t blame you. You are breaking generational curses while also creating generational blessings at the same time., you have more important things to be focusing on.

Pisces: Because, period! Pisces, this week is a week of extravaganza. You will find yourself feeling like the Queen Bey herself, with the recognition that you receive this week. You have been embracing your divine feminine energy and with that, you have been attracting more than you have been chasing. This is a week where you are realizing just how much you have branded yourself and your business and you will be finding ways you want to niche down further to where it is something only you are known for. You can secure something permanently, even if it is a benevolent event. Who said a non-profit organization can’t have income? You run this world and are creating the life you want for yourself career-wise.


Week of April 2nd!!


BizScopes: Week of March 12th!