Protect Your Vision!

There are going to be times when people question the direction you choose to take and how you choose to take it. Trust me, I totally understand how it can go, as I have dealt with this many times over. Especially, with me being so public about my journey and life.

Life has taught me, the more you steer away from society norms, the more you will be scolded.

Do you find yourself getting confused on what to do next? Truth be told, I could write a long drawn out post as to how you are supposed to protect your vision, but honestly….YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER!

You know that little voice that shows up, in your head, when you ask a question? Or, how about that voice that told you not to do something, but you ignored it and later regretted?

That’s the same thing with your vision. Your intuition will tell you if a person is giving you advice from a good or bad place. ALWAYS TRUST IT! Your intuition will tell you which direction to go. Your intuition will tell you if you are aligned. Your intuition will not steer you wrong, only your ego and fear.

If you’ve been considering giving up…. check out the video below!

Peace & Love!


My next book is releasing on March 30th!! (MY BIRTHDAY!)


Dear 2021, Do your magic! It's time to manifest