The Beauty of Raising Vibrations

Here’s this week’s Divine Soul Guided Session & Journal Prompts!


Day 57: What activities or experiences have made me feel the most joyful and alive? How can I incorporate more of these into my life?

Day 58: What negative thought patterns or beliefs have been holding me back? How can I reframe them into more positive and empowering thoughts?

Day 59: What am I grateful for in my life right now? How can I focus on these blessings to attract more positivity?

Day 60: What self-care practices or routines nourish my body, mind, and soul? How can I prioritize these activities regularly?

Day 61: What goals or dreams ignite my passion and excitement? How can I take small steps towards manifesting them?

Day 62: How can I let go of any past regrets, resentments, or fears that are weighing me down? What affirmations can I use to replace these with a sense of lightness?

Day 63: What acts of kindness or positive interactions have I had recently? How can I continue spreading love and positivity to others and myself?