Divine Soul Weekly Journal Prompts

Week 13 Journal Prompts

Day 85. **Gratitude Reflection**: Write down three things you're grateful for today. Reflect on why each of these things is significant to you and how they contribute to your current moment's happiness.

Day 86. **Mindful Observation**: Choose an object or scene from your surroundings and describe it in detail. Use all your senses to explore it. How does it feel, smell, look, sound, and taste (if applicable)? What emotions or thoughts arise as you observe it?

Day 87. **Daily Highlight**: Recount the most meaningful or enjoyable moment of your day so far. Describe it in vivid detail and explain why it made you feel alive and present.

Day 88. **Letting Go**: Write about something from your past that you've been holding onto mentally or emotionally. Explore how this attachment to the past affects your ability to be present in the moment. Consider steps you can take to let go and move forward.

Day 89. **Body Scan**: Begin at the top of your head and mentally scan your body down to your toes. Note any sensations, tension, or discomfort you're experiencing in each area. As you become aware of these sensations, try to release any tension and be present in your body.

Day 90. **Breath Awareness**: Spend a few minutes focusing on your breath. Describe how it feels as it enters and leaves your body. Notice the rise and fall of your chest or abdomen. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath.

Day 91. **Intentions for Tomorrow**: Reflect on how you can incorporate mindfulness into your day tomorrow. What specific actions or behaviors can you commit to that will help you stay present? Write down your intentions and visualize yourself carrying them out.