Divine Soul Journal Prompts: Week 31

Weekly Journal Prompts:

Day 211: What was the last compliment you received? How did you feel hearing it?

Day 212: What is something that others love about you, but you don't like about yourself? Why do you think there are different perspectives?

Day 213: Do you feel you are too hard on yourself or not hard enough? Why or why not?

Day 214: What would life be like for you now, if you knew you couldn't fail? How does it look? Ho do you feel? Who is in it?

Day 215: The last dream you remember, what was it about? What stood out to you? What do you feel it meant?

Day 216: Discuss a time that motivated you to do something out of the ordinary, what motivated you about it? What did you do? What was the outcome?

Day 217: If you could be any animal or mythical creature, what would it be and why?