The Real Reason Why We Fear Starting Something New

Whew chile!!

So guess what? (who really said “what girllll?”) lol

So, I just made it public that I’m releasing my first Romance Erotica Novel and I definitely received mixed responses. I had some people unfollow/unfriend/unsubscribe… and then I had others congratulate me and share how much they couldn’t wait to read it. I had people telling me how brave I was to take such a leap and all I could think about was how nervous I was deep inside.

You know, I was raised in a very strict Christian focused home. We didn’t talk about sex, female sexuality, or even relationships. Honestly, I was so ill-prepared that I had to learn through experience, and boy was that a rollercoaster hunty! The way I was raised had me in a box that made me afraid to try new things or explore topics that weren’t often talked about. It honestly took me breaking away from my family to finally be free. I know not everyone has this experience, but this was mine.

The fear we oftentimes have when it comes to doing something different, outside of the box, stems from our personal confidence and how we were raised. Unfortunately, all of us weren’t raised to question life, to research, to test out different options. Many of us were told what to do and what not to do, and it oftentimes was painted in black and white. This way of living most times stifles more than it helps.

Thankfully, we are living in a time where many people are coming out of their shells and denying the ideals they were taught when they were younger. They are no longer subscribing to what people have told them about themselves and have embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal freedom. Everyday is a journey and everyday you have to wake up with the idea that you will try something new and break down another barrier that has been built in your subconscious.

You got this, I promise you do! It starts with you saying to yourself: “I reject the lies that I have been taught and embrace the journey to discovering a new truth and way of life.”

Then, make that jump… most times than not, you’ll be grateful that you took the leap :-)

Oh yea, if you’re into romance erotica novels, check out my new book here!


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