How to love yourself

Is there really a set of rules in place to show us what we should do, to love ourselves? If you’re anything like me… then I know you are probably tired of everyone around you telling you what you should be doing to show that you truly love yourself.

You should be taking trips, taking moments for self care, and even going to therapy. We get this long list of things that we should be doing to embrace the love we “should” be having inside of us. It's so much that it begins to override what we really should be focusing on… which is what is inside.

That is on that. True self love can only come from yourself. It is not a long list of things you should be doing to show you care. It honestly can be redefined daily if you feel it is necessary.

At the end of the day, make sure you are being true to your spirit and listening to that inner voice that is guiding you. Now, if it is telling you to book that trip to the beach; book it. If it is telling you that you need to take a trip to a therapist; book your appointment. But, if it is telling you to remain silent and just breathe… well my love you already know what I have to say…. JUST BREATHE!


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