Are you ready to let go, with me?

I have a small back story to tell you, to add a little context…

Yesterday, I went live on IG for my Nail Polish Company’s anniversary! As I was preparing for the live, it hit me… this my first time going live in the entire year! I spent an entire year, hiding behind my brand; THAT WAS NOT OK. I had to ask myself; WHY?

As doing all the self-explaining I was able to take all of the excuses and deduce them to one reason;

  • Fear

I was afraid. I was afraid that if people saw me, they would judge me by my hair or my skin color. I felt this, because I knew a large part of my market was non-black women. I also knew that there are many people who don’t like people who look like me; so I didn’t show my face. I allowed my product and photos do the talking.

The reality is, I need to show my self. I needed to let go of the fear and doubt and truly live out loud! I was allowing myself to hear so many excuses, that reasoning took the place of the true problem. So I’m challenging myself now to no longer live in the shadows. I am pushing myself to stop hiring other people and be the face of my brand, because it is my passion.

My tribe will come continue coming.

I said all of that to say… sometimes you have to just let go and DO! The live went amazing and I’m excited for the next one!

Whatever you are afraid to step out and do right now, I urge you to just DO IT! Stop thinking so much on it; and just do :-)

Peace and love to you!


Trigger vs. Truth


What is my role in change?