February 2023 Astrological Report

Happy February Butterflies! The purpose of this astrological report is to help guide you through the month as well as help you with your individual communities of people that you work with. In this report, I will be sharing the major moon cycles and planetary movements to give you an idea of what to expect during this month as the energy shifts.

February starts with the moon edging its way from Gemini into Cancer. This energy is going to be calming as its leaving the social sign where it was conjunct with Mars inside of Gemini. The few days before the beginning of the month you may have found yourself in the midst of gossip or conversations you really didn’t care for. Now, you are shifting into more of downtime to catch your breath. With it being in sextile energy with Uranus in Taurus, you will find great benefit from online communication and communities, versus person to person communication and work. The collective will simply be at home more during those next few days.

The day you want to really watch out for this month is when Mercury enters Aquarius on February 11,2023. This is going to be a big one because more people will find themselves wanting to be more independent. During this time, intellectual conversations will be appreciated amongst those with Mercury in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, and 11th houses respectively.  The reason for this is because communication has been a little off and on for these signs when it comes to learning new things over the last couple of months.  Once mercury makes its way into the sign of intellect many will feel this energetic shift. The one warning is to watch how you communicate online. Many may run the risk of being a little too open on social media or other virtual methods of communication. It’s important to remember that things are easily misconstrued when people are unable to feel or hear the emotion behind something someone is saying.

On February 20th, Venus slides its way out of dreamy Pisces and into impulsive Aries. It is going to be important to watch how fast you move with new partnerships in your life as it may seem good at first but you may quickly realize it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Especially with the new moon also occurring on February 20th in the sign of Pisces. With these energies being semi-sextile to each other, it can be easy to jump right into something out of fascination, as the Moon will be conjunct with Neptune and Venus will be conjunct with Jupiter. Many may find themselves really horny (if that’s what you desire). If One desires intimacy, it is important that they do not take anything to heart during this time because the energy will quickly shift between the Aries and Pisces vibes. The placements that will feel this the most are those with these direct placements, Venus in the 1st, 3rd, 7th, and 9th house.

Key dates to pay attention to for this month are:

Feb 5, 2023: Full Moon in Leo. Do not make any big important decisions during this time. Do not schedule any serious procedures on this day if you Moon is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 10th house.

Feb 11, 2023: As the moon moves into scorpio with the waning gibbous and Mercury entering Aquarius. It is key to watch your communication on these days. It may be easy for things to be taken the wrong way which causes something to end prematurely. The good news is that anything that ends was supposed to end.The tower moment just won’t feel good. This has the potential of happening through a disagreement.

Feb 13, 2023: This is a key day because the third quarter moon is happening in the sign of Scorpio which is in opposition to Uranus inside of Taurus. You just may have a realization about something you had been wondering about today or the next day. Don’t be surprised when it happens, it needs to.

Feb 16, 2023: As the moon moves into Capricorn, it’s time for everyone to listen if they are seeking abundance. The moon will be sextile neptune inside of Pisces to where a box may introduce a new idea or plan for abundance. This plan may appear to be outlandish, but as off it may appear, the energy gives that any chances taken on this day will work out for the good. Whatever it is, it should include some form of virtual connection with Uranus being trined. Just watch out for getting the big head.

Feb 20, 2023: This date is probably the most powerful day this month, with the new moon in Pisces, waving goodbye to Venus who has moved into the sign of Aries. The energy will be hard to tell apart, so it is strongly recommended to not make any important or impulsive decisions on this day or 2-3 days after, while moon transitions into Aries. 

Feb 22, 2023 On those days, it will be a good time to enjoy your partner. It will also be a good time to jump out and put yourself out there. The moon will be conjunct with Venus and Jupiter which is a very POWERFUL manifesting energy when you are confident in yourself. When you take risks. This is an ok time to take risks (over the next 2 days). Your return will be seen during Aries season and you will be happy that you jumped off the porch!

Feb 27, 2023 On this day, the moon gets settled into Gemini with the first quarter moon. This is the perfect time to put those plans into action that you wrote down with the new moon. You will manifest through your connections of community and conversation. Do not be afraid to talk to strangers.

Make this month a great one!