Everything takes Time

In a world that loves to tell us where we should be, who we should be with, and how we should do it… it becomes easy to get stuck in a vision that was never related to our purpose.

Sometimes, we want something so bad that we become blinded to what is going on in front of us. We lose sight of the path we are on, because we start trying to run; instead of keep a steady pace.

What happens as a result?

As a result, we fall and begin to curse the ground for doing its job…. to simply be present.

…..all along, your job was to walk your path and keep your pace.

Sometimes, I see my goal right in front of me… so I run to try and attain it faster; not realizing I’m failing to comply by the law of divine timing. With divine timing, we must allow time to flow naturally the way it should.

We may see our dream fulfilled standing in front of us. But, if we run… we fall and miss out on the journey to receive the beauty of its essence. Not because we never make it to our destination… but because we delayed our arrival because we refused to follow the natural law of divine timing.

Beloved, if you are feeling weary or tired; please rest. All that means is that you are out of alignment with the divine clock. You will reach your destination. Just keep your pace.




Time depends on your priorities