The Art of Confidence

Confidence is something that many want and even more lack.

Part of it, I feel, is because we haven’t been taught what it truly is. We have come to associate confidence with how a person dresses, present themselves, and even how much they display a smile; without realizing they could be faking it just like an off-brand Coach bag.

What if I told you that confidence is something that is displayed in a more subtle way? Confidence can be seen in how a person holds their head, look in your eyes, and speak with authority. Confidence is an internal feeling and knowing of self; it has nothing to do with how you look.

Confidence is a tricky thing.

It is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, which is the lack of objectivity. It is important that we learn how to see the difference between when someone is displaying confidence, arrogance, or when they are overcompensating for their personal insecurities. One wrong perception can lead one to believe that another is aligned, when in reality they are overcompensating.

How do we build true confidence?

True confidence is something that is developed over time through the passage ways of self-love, comfort, acceptance, humility, vulnerability, and support. It is something that we have to grow into, not walk into. If you are finding yourself in a place where you are learning how to become more confident in yourself and your personal decisions, then the good news is that you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.

As mentioned earlier, there are many different paths that a person must walk through in order to find their personal confidence in various areas of their life. There may be a time when a person is confident in their math skills, but are insecure in their reading ability.

We can be confident in one area and insecure in another.

Yes, you can be confident in one area of your life and insecure in another. Hopefully, that made you feel slightly better if you were questioning your confidence. Since it is always a journey, it is very likely that most people have an insecurity that gets in the way with their ability to be confident. That’s what makes us human.

What’s important, is that we continue working on ourselves to identify how we can build our personal growth and confidence in what we have to offer to the world.

Whatever you do, continue to Live out Loud!


How our upbringing did a disservice to our confidence


Do it Afraid