What I do when I feel unsupported

I’m going to keep it real…

I have gone through spurts of feeling like I am unsupported from those whom I feel should be. The reality is, whenever I found myself at this place I was looking at things from one dimension. I know i’m not the only one who has fallen victim to this.

The greatest lesson I have come to realize and accept with this, is that support has many faces. Although, you may tell people what they can do to support you and what you need most; there is no guarantee that they will hear and heed your requests.

Instead, we need to change our perspective of how we view what support is. Support is not always financial help. Support can be in the form of:

  • Checking in on you

  • Positive affirmations and confirmations

  • Sharing your products or business with others

  • Helping your produce your product

By looking at the different ways support can show up, we are able to change our mindset from the thoughts of lacking, to the attitude of abundance. It is my hopes that we all find support in the places we least expect it…. and most of all… NEVER GIVE UP!



We still have 75% of 2020 left to reach our goals!


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